Earth House

Earth House is an international humanitarian organisation. It is affiliated with Earth House Church and Earth House Music, the ethical record label.

Our goal is to create a better world for our children, and their children’s children.

How can that be done?

One of the most powerful tools we have found to connect people across boundaries and borders, is music. Therefore, we will soon allow new artists to join the roster of Earth House Music.

The way we treat the most vulnerable tends to say a lot about a society. Earth House will, in addition to helping people find justice when dealing with oppression and abuse, create an alternative to hospitals and psychiatric wards. One where the finest of therapist from all professions can create lasting changes in their clients. You can read more about this project HERE.

In addition, identifying systems that doesn’t empower people to have agency in their own lives, and coming up with concrete solutions through dialogue.


Håkon Rian “mAncient” Ueland is the founder and president of Earth House. He is a social worker, author, humanitarian and healer, and you can read more about him HERE and HERE.

You are welcome to become a member.
Send an email for further details. Membership for organisations are available.

We are also looking for new board members.

One of the projects we have worked on, in Norwegian + English (Thanks to Google Translate). Most of the projects Earth House works on are unpublishable due to confidentiality concerns.

However, you can read about some of my work in the international bestselling books, “Bullied” and “Speechless”. Links on my Amazon author page: